World over, countries and cities continue to grapple with the impacts of the climate change and policies are being formulated to enhance environmental sustainability to spur business continuity and growth in their respective ecosystems. In Kenya, legal frameworks such as the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (EMCA) and Environment and Land Court Act(ELCA) play a major role in ensuring proper management of the environment and land use as it plays a major a role as a factor of production. Other policies are found in the Kenya Vision 2030 which aligns with both the SDG 6 & 11. All these laws and policies aim to achieve a common goal-environmental sustainability.
NAIROBI, the Green City in the Sun, should embrace the ideology of an eco-city which is defined as an enclave where plans, design, construction, and operation give prominence to preservation of the natural habitat alongside the economic, social, and physical soundness and well-being of the city’s dwellers and residents. To sustain a vibrant green city, priority should be given to issues such as land use, biodiversity, conservation, water and air quality are given proper consideration when re-modelling Nairobi to an eco-city. The parks and green spaces within the city have played a major role in conservation and ensuring we get quality air and much need to be done on biodiversity and reduction of carbon emissions to net zero. To attain zero emissions, Nairobi should relook the use of cars within the metropolis and invest in public transport through proposed BRTs or light trains, cycling lanes, or pedestrian walk paths for safety of all habitants and users.
In the recent past, Nairobi witnessed an extreme weather event in form of floods which affected almost all residents in both their places of stay, school and work hence crippling numerous activities with the capital city. The ripple effect of this was felt in the healthcare system as it lead to outbreak of communicable diseases such as cholera in low income households who could not access clean drinking water, poor sanitation due lack of proper waste disposal management system and poor drainage systems in informal settlements.
The intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the EU through European Investment Bank and other organisations such as AfDB and Central Bank of Kenya have been clear that we are in dire need to make drastic changes within the next few years in anticipation of environmental degradation which might cause irrepairable environmental damage.
Expansion and proper maintenance of open green spaces within the metropolis will equally play a major role in mental and physical health as they can be used as open public green working spaces due to the growth of remote work as well as meeting joints for groups or individuals. This level of interconnectivity plays a big role in reducing rates of depression and anxiety which have become a huge concern in the present day. Installation of solar system within the green spaces will also ensure supply of energy for the users with excess of energy generated being supplied to the national grid through partnerships and collaboration between County and National Government.
Conservation can be extended to areas such as restoration of wetlands(no buildings in riparian land) and harvesting of rainwater to be used in small scale farming within the metropolis. Adoption of proper programmes like recycling of waste and strict policies in waste collection or disposal will enhance the goal to have an eco-city. Through implementation of SDG 6 and 11 in conjunction with EMCA and NEMA regulations, Nairobi can make its journey towards attaining the status of an eco-city shorter and an interesting one. Nairobi can certainly be at the forefront of environmental innovation and reap big from the benefits of offering conducive green environment which sustains good human health and well-being as well as robust economy.
By CPA Ambrose Milayi, CEO-Polam Holdings Ltd